When I read this email today I had to share it. The two themes are amazingly linked and highlight the invaluable connection we need with Jesus and his body around us.
This from my dear friend Crystal, leading her team in India.
This morning we had a group that was struggling with what it meant to be vulnerable with one another, confront one another in love, call one another out on the hard things. When someone says something that hurts, or has an attitude that blows you off, is it worth it to mend the breach, to take the time to heal the wound? Or does one just walk away in frustration – quick to say it doesn’t matter, that “I’m fine.” Misunderstandings, miscommunications build walls so quickly, and soon mistrust sets in, then love is lost and apathy takes hold… the perfect foothold for the devil.
When one is physically sick, we take the time to rest, heal the body and recover. We deal with the root of the sickness, get treatment if needed and then go back to work. When the body of Chr. is sick, should we not do the same? That team stayed back today, spoke out their hurts, perceptions and misperceptions, listened to and served one another.

If a body is broken, and ministering out of that brokenness, it will not be able to bring that life and light that comes from the wholeness of unity in Chr. We reminded the team that a parents’ relationship has to come before theirs with their children, else the whole family will fall apart as they are divided and fight with one another. As I sat at the coffee shop today with J., he gently reminded me of the same. All week long, I have been bringing issues before him, difficulties with some of our “children” here, asking for wisdom, for his intervention – but I haven’t been seeking intimacy with him for the sake of just being with him. “Come away with me,” he called. “Taste and see that I am good.” How sweet that fellowship is, knowing that you are known, feeling the comfort of the everlasting arms, and taking the time to just be with our Lover. In the light of so much work, so many distractions, so many “problems” to be understood and wisely addressed, let me not forget my first love.
u003cdiv>This has been a day of good conflict that brings healing, of re-focusing my heart on the Only who can truly satisfy, of resting in who G. is. u003c/div> u003cdiv>my love to you all, and so many thanks for your pr-s.u003c/div> u003cdiv>Crystalu003c/div> u003cdiv>ps. Our whole team is finally physically healthy! Yay!!!u003c/div>u003cbr>u003cbr>u003cfont styleu003d”font-family:arial narrow” sizeu003d”2″>u003cspan styleu003d”color:rgb(68, 79, 117)”>u003c/span>u003c/font>u003cspan styleu003d”color:rgb(216, 163, 164)”>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:rgb(170, 77, 78)”>u003cbr>u003c/span> Let your capital be simplicity and contentment. -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author (1817-1862)u003cp>”,1]
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u003chr sizeu003d”1″>u003cbr>u003cfont faceu003d”Verdana” sizeu003d”-2″>¡Capacidad ilimitada de almacenamiento en tu correo!u003cbr>No te preocupes más por el espacio de tu cuenta con Correo Yahoo!:u003cbr>u003ca hrefu003d”http://correo.yahoo.com.mx/” targetu003d”_blank” onclicku003d”return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)”>http://correo.yahoo.com.mx/u003c/a>u003c/font>u003c/span>”,1]
“Come away with me”. An invitation that summeriezes the jealousy and love of our creators heart for us.
This has been an area where I have been ignoring this call. Lord call me again to come away with you and forgot everything else for awhile.