Not quite 4 years ago, 23 crazy people met up in Mexico to experiment with this thing called the World Race. We didn’t really know what we were in for. We didn’t really know what we were doing. We had no idea what would happen or how. We just heard a whipser… a whisper that there was more. There’s more than what we currently knew. More than a 9 to 5 job. More than a paycheck. More than Sunday morning and Wednesday nights. And we wanted to chase the whisper…
Not quite 4 years later, 119 crazy people met up in Gainesville, Georgia for the same reason. The whisper that began has become a rumor that’s spreading across the literal world. It absolutely blows my mind to think of the place this little idea called The World Race started and where it has come. Back in Mexico we talked about a movement… a generation coming fully alive to embrace the More that God has planned for us. It was hard to imagine a “movement” when we all could fit in a small kitchen. But now… looking around our packed out training center… I see the reality of what we dreamed of not quite 4 years ago.

Training camp is always my favorite time. We’ve done this enough times now that we know basically what to expect. We expect that people are going to be terrified when they arrive. And we expect that God is going to show up. We expect new understanding and new freedom for each person. And … as always… we expect to be surprised.
This camp was exactly what we expected. I found myself in a new place of ministry… not only walking in the mercy and compassion that comes so naturally, but also walking through inner healing and praying life into people’s past hurts and wounds. I found myself once again falling in love with each person… wanting them to understand all that God has for them… wanting them to get over themselves enough to see something bigger… wanting them to embrace the culture, community, and calling that’s right here for them. It’s my most favorite experience and the most heart wrenching.
I love my life. I love being a part of a place where we truly are watching a generation come alive… a generation sacrifice all that they know to embrace all that could be… a generation who heard the whisper and is spreading the rumor.
oh laura. i love this. i was just thinking about how astounding it all is.
especially from the outside, it’s amazing to see the transformation and growth. i catch glimpses of how big this thing is getting and its crazy.
when i saw pictures earlier today of the training center and the “structure” of it all – i just laughed!!! even a year ago we were sitting on mattresses in that unfinished room! no big screens or aisles (or even chairs for that matter)! ha.
love you dear. i’m blessed to be one of those ones you’ve impacted. 🙂
Hey Laura,
I have two very good friends who are on the WR right now–the ones who left in October! Bill Bush and Amy Davidson!
Very exciting! Thanks for this post!
Many blessings!
Yes we were 23 CRAZY people not knowing what was in store for us!!! But wow….it was totally MORE than we could have expected! I remember training in that little kitchen where we all fit 🙂 What great times! Love you and miss you, girl!
I praise the Lord for you and continue to ask our Heavenly Father that He by His Spirit and in the light of His Word and in the company of His believers you will see Him be glorified with all due respect. He is God and we praise Him for He is our God through the humbling work of His Son, Jesus. Love so amazing, love so divine demands my love.
Pastor Jim