It’s been an
incredible weekend. It was incredibly overwhelming to pack up all our stuff. It was incredibly tricky to fit it all in our little yellow car! It was incredibly hard to say goodbye to our first home. Our stop through Chattanooga to see our friends
Shawn, Sarah, and Gabriel Summey was incredibly enjoyable. Our drive up north was incredibly long. Our hotel in Indianapolis was an incredibly needed stop on the way. And arriving at Corey’s family’s home was incredibly welcome. So begins our season of transition.

We’ll be here until the 16th of October, then it’s back to Georgia to help run a training camp. Then back up here for about 10 days to finish up visiting family and friends up north. Then, by one of God’s amazing blessings, some friends are taking us to the Bahamas for a vacation/last hoorah. After that we’ll pack up our little yellow car again and journey to Texas, hopefully stopping to see some friends and supporters along the way. We’ll be in Texas until God has provided (hopefully by the end of the year) and then we’re off to Ireland!
It’s an interesting season we’re in. Recently a friend asked me for our address… my response? “Well… we’re professionally homeless at the moment.” Transitions are good… but they aren’t always fun. Being in between things – away from home, but not arriving at the next home for quite some time. The in between has caused me to re-evaluate my definition of home over and over. A place of stuff… a place with routine… a place of comfort. But the truth is that God has not called us to be comfortable… He’s called us to leave our place of comfort… to never settle for what feels good right now… but to press on… to strain ahead for more of who God is. Ireland is not our goal… it’s a step along the way. Our goal is to become more like Christ and to see more of who God is manifested in the places where we are. One of the most comforting things that happens right now is that Corey grabs me in his arms, looks in my eyes, and says “Honey… my home is where you are. That’s all.”
So this transition time, with all it’s struggles, has caused a good revelation: Home is where Corey and I together are seeing God’s Kingdom coming, God’s will being done… right here, right now, as it is in Heaven. And that makes home a great place to be…
I wish “home” was a little closer to me. : (
At least we have the Bahamas! WHOO HOOOOOOO!
Home truly is where the Heart is – Have fun where ever you are!!!
Bahamas – I wanna go!!!!!!
Love you,
I’m sorry I missed your last few weeks, but I am super excited that you will be back for training camp.
Your little yellow car is going to have quite the adventure. Enjoy it. I know that it comes with some sorrows, but soak in every moment along the way.
Love you guys!
sounds like good times for everyone
i got me one of those girl things – super super stoked
all the best with your moves and yeah you sposed to love God and people and sounds like God and at leasr one people are hanging with you wherever you go so you should be fine
rock on my friend
love b
Oh sister…how I needed this as I try to wrap my mind around the thought of moving to Michigan!!!
You’re always pouring wisdom and truth into my life – even from far away (good. I’m glad. I was kind of counting on that! 😉
I love you and miss you LOTS! But I’m so thrilled to see you guys on this adventure God has you on. It’s the only way to live!
awww…i miss you guys!! but I’m super excited to see you here for TC in less than a month, yea! and then there’s the BAHAMAS!!!!! Every time i get sad about you guys not being here (which is often) i just remember the bahamas and it makes me smile! 🙂 I love you guys and am praying that all is going well.
Beautiful words! Thanks for reminding us that home really is where the heart isand may our hearts always be found in Him!