Who: 9 teenagers, 1 amazing co-leader, us, and a few great Irish additions
What: A trip to reach out to communities in Ireland while discipling the particpants
When: June 14 – July 14
Where: Gainesville, GA; North Dublin, Roscommon, and Carlow in Ireland
Why: Because God has called us to go and make disciples of ALL nations – American teens and Irish children!
It all began when we met for the first time – Atlanta airport atrium. For the next week we survived training camp where we learned about who God is, who we REALLY are, and how God wants to work through us.
Then we flew to Dublin and met up with Conrad and Sonia Hicks and their churches north of Dublin. We hosted two Kids Clubs (vacation Bible schools) for two of the churches they oversee. Even before the trip began, each team member entered into prayer and planning for this time. We knew that coming to Ireland we couldn’t just throw something together at the last minute – instead we sought God’s plan for each day we would teach the children of Dublin. Attendance was consistently low while we were there: the people of Ireland just aren’t interested in “church”. But because of the low attendance we got to know each child, each parent, each home. At the end of our first week 6 out of 11 children heard, understand, and accepted the Gospel message!!! Praise Jesus!
June 1 we packed our bags and said goodbye to the Hicks’ family and Dublin and joined up with Operation Mobilization for Impact Ireland 2008. We bussed to the middle of Ireland and found the luxurious Lacken House. I laughed and laughed as our team exclaimed “Hot showers!!! Mattresses!!!” and ran around the base excited about things most of us consider part of normal life! It was great recognizing how they had come to no longer take for granted the comforts they enjoy at home. At Lacken House we joined up with people from 9 other nations to form a team of 41 Irish-Loving Jesus Followers. Together we worshipped, learned more about the country of Ireland, and received tools to share the Gospel. One of the highlights was “Gospel Illustrations Class” – learning to attract a crowd by doing simple tricks with a rope and illustrating why we need Jesus through the trick. It was a great tool to take on the street and begin conversations with people.

From there, on the 4th of July, we hopped on one more bus and headed south to Carlow. We were met by Carlow Bible Church – maybe the most hospitable church I’ve ever met!!! They welcomed us with Red, White, and Blue cakes and an American flag! Too bad we were all too exhausted to enjoy!! Now we were also joined by many Irish youth who travelled from all over the country to join our weeklong outreach. These teens have no youth group of their own… no place for them to belong… no friends who understand their passion for Jesus. So as often as money and time allow, they join each other in Carlow where Lorraine opens up her home and her heart to disciple these young Jesus followers. We opened our team and our rooms to welcome them as a part of our group. For many of them, this is one of the few times they get true fellowship before being sent back to the harvest fields of their hometowns where they labor alone. Lorraine is an amazing woman of God… a true disciple who has embraced the call to go and make disciples. She is the only youth worker in all of Carlow – a city of thousands of youth. However, she doesn’t limit her influence there, but has in impact over the entire nation. It was a privilege to work beside her.
We finished our time with a day in Kilkenny, visiting a great old castle, and processing all that God has done. Then we loaded up, headed back to Dublin, and then back to Atlanta. We met back up with all our friends from training camp and heard amazing stories from all that God had done, all around the world, in one short month. One blog… even one this long… couldn’t contain all that God did!
Next… hear how God revealed Himself through training camp…
Hey, that’s me! We really missed you guys while we were debriefing. I’m so glad we were able to see your work through that video.