By nature, I’m a “doer”. I like lists. I like agendas. I like schedules. I like to be on time. I like to plan. I like to be in the know. In essence, I like a sense of control over what’s happening. The problem comes when things can’t be controlled. In the past, that feeling of “out of control” would absolutely send me into a frenzy. I couldn’t handle it.
Seth Barnes talks a lot about breaking our control addictions. I think I’m on the right path… at least most days.
A mission trip is one of the most effective ways of breaking our addiction to control. Take a group of teens, a lot of travel, a new culture, and more personalities than you can count, mix them together and just try to control what comes out! Doesn’t happen. And the great thing is that a mission trip doesn’t simply look to achieve a set of objectives. Instead, it’s a walk with the Almighty Creator to discover His objectives and look to Him to make it happen.
As we sat in Leader Training before the trip,

one of our directors showed us a great VBS schedule. The first 30 minutes were dedicated to Playing. Now in my ever-so-logical mind, if our objective is to share the Gospel, that 30 minutes could be used “much more effectively” for a great detailed out lesson complete with tangible representations of the Message.
However, our ever-patient leaders explained that Play is often more vital than any message we bring. If we come in as a clown and PLAY with a child, then when we stand up to teach that child already has a relationship, built on their level, so they’ll want to listen. Children are forced to grow up quickly, to take care of their brothers and sisters while alcoholic parents are recovering from their night before. Making time to PLAY allows this child to step away from their adult responsibilites and be exactly who God has created them to be. PLAY brings freedom. In countries where there is a language barrier, a simple box of crayons provides a connection between us and the child. A shy child, timidly holding on to her mother’s skirt will break herself away with no coaxing just for a game of Duck Duck Goose. RELATIONSHIP happens over PLAY.

So I trusted our leaders this trip. We not only scheduled the first 30 minutes for play… but when it was going well, threw our schedule out the window and kept playing until the kids… or more likely us old folks… got tired of the game. I wasn’t completely sold that this was the best method, but again… chose to trust expertise that goes far beyond my experience! We even incorporated play into our lessons – a game to teach a verse, a character to tell a story, motions, actions, movement – PLAY.
On the last day of our first week of VBS, I saw how it worked. Parents brought cookies, gift

s, thank yous. One parents explained “Our children don’t get this in church. It’s been the best week for them!” The church had been so consumed with order… with agenda… they left out the fact that Jesus had fun. And as we brought fun with the message of Jesus… it made sense to the kids – over half of the children accepted Christ as their Savior… and could explain to us what that meant!!!!
The next week of VBS we only had 2 children everyday. This meant we had plenty of time to play and talk and have fun together. Each day sweet Beth would come in timidly… not leaving her mom… until Duck Duck Goose started. Then she would run over to us, waving goodbye to Mommy. After VBS was over, she would run back to Mommy and explain which team member played which character that day… who was in the Bible story… and all the things she learned. And she was only 3!!!
Not only that… but PLAY became important for us as a team as well. We went through the intensity of training camp… learned the depths of each other’s hearts… cried together… prayed together… and then had fun! Without the fun, we found ourselves tired and grumpy. But just a simple game of catch… or keep up the balloon… or just laughing together brought unity more than any schedule ever could.
“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
That is great insight…great blog! Thanks for sharing because that is something for me to remember.
I love that picture of Colby! Great blog honey!
Laura, you’ve got it going on – love to see this kind of in-depth processing.
you know what? we discovered the hidden power of PLAY and specially laugh together in our outreach week in Tullamore. I never found such a unity like in that team, and we were strangers to each other in the beginning!