Gainesville gather at Scott and Carol Pitts house to fellowship and be the
church together. This Sunday a couple who are originally from Zimbabwe (now
leading a ministry school in Florida) came and shared with us. Part of what
they shared really struck deep in me…
Missionaries, on behalf of the people of Africa I want to make one request.
Please stop coming. We don’t want you to come back with your free food and
secondhand clothing. Please quit coming … unless you come with God’s divine
same question comes up over and over again — But what good can you really do?!
That’s a great question… and especially if you look at the harm that has been
done in the name of Christianity… that’s a well-warranted question.
“feed the hungry� and secondhand clothing to “cover the naked� have plagued
Africa. Western Christians have come with their western version of Christianity
and attempted to Westernize. On a small example, missionaries

with cast off t-shirts that are handed out to children left and right. Now you
can find most African slums filled with shabby college t-shirts and worn out
sneakers… which isn’t at all African. Instead, what if a Christian showed up and acknowledged the beauty of
African clothes? … acknowledged the innocence of tribes that are mostly
unclothed… tribes who don’t feel ashamed. Instead of coming with who Christ is
in the context of that tribe… we come with Westernization. The Gospel has
stopped being about Jesus and started to be about American culture.
the nations. God’s method is not finances. Jesus didn’t show up on the earth
and show us how to make money. God’s method is not education. Jesus didn’t go
to seminary or build a seminary or teach in a seminary… or any other type of
school for that matter. God’s method is not even religion. Jesus didn’t show up
and build a church building and talk about living a moral lifestyle. Jesus
showed up in the flesh. God stepped out of heaven and initiated a relationship.
God sent His son from the throne room to bring Kingdom to earth.
of money to spend on ministry supplies. Instead we believe that we are God’s
supply to do ministry. We don’t take everything we own and ship it in a crate
to set up our world in a new location… we embrace all that God has already
supplied in creation. And ultimately we begin to believe that God’s method
really is a man… and that man is me. I am God’s method to change the world… not
my money, not my culture, not my morality… but the Holy Spirit living inside of
me… that’s what makes a difference. That’s what changes the world.