Over the past month I have been a part of two really great weekend training’s. The first was for a group of college students from the Wesleyan foundation at Georgia Southern University (near Savannah, GA). 20+ students and their leader, Carl, came with an expectation that God would do something in their lives; that he would speak to them, touch them in some way.
The week before they where scheduled to come I got some “bad” news from my boss, Clint. “Corey I’m sorry but this weekend I am going to Haiti with some other AIM people. Sorry dude. But your it. You got it, I know your gonna do great.”
Even while he was giving me full confidence I was doubting that I could pull it off. “Shoot. This means I have to do…” and the list of “how to cover my butt” began. We had talked this weekend up for the students and built this into a wonderful weekend even before it began, and all I could envision was a weekend of chaos, no direction and more importantly – me looking like an idiot.
I knew that God would show up and that it’d be an awesome weekend, but I was fighting to believe that. And more than once I thought “all is lost, I should call Carl and tell him not to come.” One time as I was wrestling with this thought I heard something (no, some one) rise up inside of me and say “Oh no you don’t! I am taking Clint and the others away from this so that you can rise to where I want you.”
Wow…All I could do was say “Yes Lord! I won’t fight you. Only, please show upbecause I don’t have anything to give them!” That whole weekend I was pleading the Lord to come and have His way among the group, myself and the other staff. There were times throughout the week when it was evident that God’s Spirit was working on individuals. I wasn’t sure if everyone was catching what the Lord was wanting to give us but I decided not to let that distract me. “I’m not here to make them listen, or make them hungry for all of God. God, thats your job right?” He said “Yup”

On the last morning I asked them “Whom did God speak to this weekend?” All of them raised their hands and smiled big! God showed up…at that moment I was filled with a peace and I heard the Lord say “Well done”.
Thanks to Madden for taking these pictures.