Forenote: My project for this week is to get pictures and stories from our month in Ireland. I sincerely apologize for slacking on this!!!
Corey left for the Dominican Republic today…….. and I’m at home. His heart is on fire when he’s leading teams, knowing that he’s doing what he’s called to do. I’m staying back this time to get some work done around the office and to get ready for my parents to visit at the beginning of the month. I’m excited for all that God has for him in the Dominican… but I am sad today. This will be the longest we’ve been apart since we’ve been married.
Last night we were with our small group. After they prayed over Corey, one of the couples took me aside and says “If you need anything at all you call us immediately. If you just get lonely, our spare bedroom is ours. Don’t hesitate at all to call.” Today in the office one of our friends said he would be on call as Mr. FixIt should anything need any fixing.
As I left work today I told my friends I was in for just a chill evening. After a couple hours at home, I get a text message – pizza and movies, pjs and chill at Ashley and Kayla’s house tonight. I wasn’t asked if I needed to be around people tonight… I wasn’t left to figure out what would be “good for me” tonight… my community just surrounded me and said “We got you. Just come along with us and we’re here for you.”
And tonight has been just that. Not giving me just what is necessary… but meeting the needs I’m currently feeling. I could very easily look back and say “I lived on my own for a long time, I can handle this.” But inside I didn’t want to be on my own… and the people who know me, the community in my life, know this. They didn’t even have to ask… they just KNOW me.
Our time in Georgia could be summed up in the words “Building Community.” We have a group here (affectionately called The Band) that exists for the sole purpose of fellowship, encouragement, support, accountability, and simply BEING the Body of Christ to each other. We have learned more and more how to be vulnerable with each other, to let each other into the depth of our hearts and lives, to LOVE each other like Christ calls us to.
And the great thing is that this becomes our mission. I think of the old hymn… “They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love…” As a group we go out, we do stuff, we meet knew people, more people come into our lives, and the community we’ve created attracts people. It looks different than the world’s love. It smells like Jesus and people follow the scent. We get to show others what the Body of Christ… not just the traditional church… really looks like when it’s living and breathing. It’s the best thing in the world…
It’s why my husband can leave for a trip and not worry about me. It’s why I can stay behind and not fear. It’s Life… the way it was meant to be lived…