Over the past few years, I have focused on changing a commonly used phrase in my life. When people ask “How are you?” I nearly always answered with “Busy!” Not long ago I was challenged that the American culture defines their worth in what they do and how much they accomplish – being busy. That really convicted me and since then I’ve focused on finding my worth in who I am in Christ, not in what I’m doing. And from that, I no longer want to answer that question with “Busy!”
While my language and attitude have definitely changed, I can’t say that the schedule is much different. Corey and I love what we do. We love ministry and so when an opportunity comes up we love to say yes and be involved. Ministry brings us life and excitement.
However, if you would have asked last fall, I would have said that we were pushing through until winter when we would get a break and things would slow down. Winter arrived, but so did the holidays and we all know that’s not restful. So then I would have said that we’ll make it until spring when there will be room for a break. Well… here we are. And there’s no break in sight.
So my prayer recently has been “Lord… something has got to change… How?” I know God calls us to live a rested life… a life that’s not frantic and anxious but calm. A life where we “Sabbath” often… So God, how do I do that?
The answer actually was very surprising. God pointed out some time in the week that could be more free, but that wasn’t really the answer. Instead, He showed me how I view my life.
I look at my day… my month… my year… as a number of spinning plates at a circus. Each thing that needs to be done is another plate that I need to keep spinning. Sometimes I get to throw a plate on… spin it for just a bit and then it’s done and I can take it down. Other plates need to be regularly checked on, making sure that no wobbling has started. And I’ve been looking at our schedule, our to-do list, and our activities and I’ve been seeing way too many plates to keep up with.
So God gave me a new picture. He showed me that life isn’t a series of plates to never let crash. Life is a road and every day we walk a few steps. Each morning, all I need to do is meet Jesus back on the road and see what lies ahead of me for that day.
So not a big revelation huh? Fairly simple… But you know what? it’s made ALL the difference. Now in the morning my prayer has changed from “Dear Jesus, HELP!” to “Dear Jesus, what do you have planned for today?” And I know that at the end of the day I will have done what was there and tomorrow we’ll get to what’s next. And along the road I can once again simply smile and enjoy the journey.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. — Matthew 6:34
Laura – I love that verse! It speaks loads to me. This is a great reminder for me, especial right now. Thanks so much!
Thank you for these wonderful words. I did need to hear them today, not because I’m “too busy,” but as a reminder to meet Jesus on the road each day and let Him come up with the agenda for that day.
Oh Laura, WE ALL NEED THIS REMINDER! It took me years to learn this, glad you are learning this at your young age! 🙂
Love you!
thanks for sharing this with me today. really encouraged me to keep on focusing on the journey, not on the plates – or in my case, the balls i’m waiting to fall into place… 🙂
good word Laura! love it, love you! you are a joy and a blessing in my life!