“It’s not what you’re called to do, it’s who you’re called to be with.” These are the words our mentor, Michael Hindes, encouraged us with 3 months ago. As we have plugged back into life here in Gainesville, we’ve echoed this statement over and over. Ministry alongside our best friends at Adventures in Missions is exactly where we’re supposed to be. Our two main focuses, training teens and young adults to go overseas and leading teams on short outreaches, has been the best part about being home.
In the past 5 months we have been through 5 training camps with just under 500 people! Wow… just writing that out makes me tired all over again! Training camps are a week of intense ministry to the teams, helping them get rid of their own baggage in order to minister more effectively overseas. During one training camp, God opened an opportunity for Corey to speak life and pour into a participant named Warren Cheely. Check out the video Warren made on our blog at http://thejacobs.myadventures.org/?filename=training-camp-story.
Corey has also had a bad case of the Travel Bug! He has led two Short Term Projects in the past month! You can read amazing testimonies from the Chicago trip at http://www.adventures.org/a/reports/r3re.asp?id=2513.
Just after finishing the Chicago trip, the youth minister Corey worked alongside sent him this text message: “I really appreciate the way you led our group this week. Your heart to pursue Christ was so evident to all of us this week. You truly led by serving and I was challenged to do the same because of your example. This was truly a life changing week for not only our students but for me as well. We would love to serve alongside you again if and when God brings that about. Thank you so much for everything…” What an amazing opportunity to not only impact Chicago, but this youth group as well!
With all these events happening, you may think the between times must be boring. The opposite is true! God has been teaching Laura a lot about how the regular duties are places of regular discipleship. Currently, she is working with a team to re-develop the Admissions process. Each step of the way God is whispering, “Make it about discipleship.” So whether we are processing paperwork or praying with a participant, life is full of moments to reach the saved!