Beginning the Ministry
When last we left you, we had just committed to living in a local apartment complex where we would plan and host community events as well as build relationships with residents. We have grown a lot as we learn not only what it means to be event coordinators, but also how to reach out to those who don’t recognize their need.
The Learning Curve
As we have walked in this ministry we have found that there’s a lot to learn. Many of our events had zero in attendance. Other events had large numbers in attendance, but we have been so busy hosting we never got to meet anyone. There is a sharp learning curve in this ministry… what is it that attracts apartment residents to an event? What is an effective event?
Redefining Success
Back in April, we planned a movie night for the residents. We worked hard to get everything set up and eagerly awaited the masses to arrive. And we waited… and waited. Soon, we saw a mom with two small children walking up the sidewalk-our only guests. While somewhat disheartened, we decided to just play with the kids and have a fun evening.
We left that night tired from lots of playing, and somewhat disheartened that there was such little interest. But the next day was another event. And what would you know? There comes Crystal, Corbin, Quinn, and also her husband, Corey! We met up again for a great afternoon of playing. We had such a great time! As the event wound to a close, I invited Crystal and the family to come over for Easter Dinner the next day… and they accepted! Over the next few months we enjoyed lots of great times with this family. Later on, Corey and Corey decided to go play Frisbee Golf. Only one problem-no Frisbees. So instead, Corey invited them to come to church with us the next day.
Crystal later told me how excited she was. Early in their marriage Crystal had attended a local church by herself, but Corey had always been uninterested in anything pretentious. She was so excited to go to church as a family!
As they continued to come with us to church, there were no miraculous moments… just friends at church together. One day after church Crystal told me they were moving. I was so disheartened. But as the story unfolded, I recognized how amazing God really was.
Crystals job had been a point of tension for a long time. As they had listened to each sermon, God moved them to trust Him with each detail of their lives. So she has quit her job and they are watching God provide a much better situation for them in Florida.
As we said goodbye today, Crystal shared with me that she is so thankful that God connected us. Though we’ve only been friends for a short while, God has used that time to unite her and Corey in their marriage and to give them vision and direction for their future, relying on God for each step.
So we may not have huge events or miraculous salvations, but by just being available, God has changed a family. Hallelujah!