couch. She heads to the bathroom for the morning ritual and after finishing,
pulls up her pajamas and immediately wets her pants. She thinks, “What the
heck! I just peed…whoa” then shouts,
“Corey! I think my water just broke!”
friends, the midwife’s clinic, and Alicia Pillsbury, their Doula.

them to be as active as possible.
So the days agenda got completely changed. Laura began to cook breakfast
while Corey cancelled his handyman job for that day. Next up, a walk around the
up and down the semi-flat part of our neighborhood. However, their walk
immediately halted as their neighbor across the street yelled, “Have you seen
my dog?” They helped her look for a minute and as the dog came running back
home their neighbor says, “So when will that baby come?” Laura responds,
“Actually, my water broke this morning!” The neighbor shouts, “What?!? Why are
you out of bed! You have to go to the hospital right now!!!” Though Laura
explains that it’s okay, the neighbor doesn’t really believe her, but she decides
Laura isn’t in immediate peril. After a trek past a few more neighbors, Corey
and Laura return to the house. During the walk Laura had one very small
First they take time to make a list of the basic foods they want to make sure
are in the house. Then Laura takes a moment to call the midwife clinic again as
they have not returned her call from 8:30am. After getting through to someone
who will contact her midwife, they head out the door.
locked door, Laura says to Corey, “You have keys, right?” Corey absent-mindedly
responds “Yup” and Laura shuts the door… at which point Corey turns around,
reaching in his pocket and says “Oh wait, I don’t have keys.” After trying the
front and back doors, it is officially determined that Corey and Laura are,
again, locked out of their house.
was planning to care for our cats whenever we went into labor. Therefore, she
had a key to our house. Ashlie very graciously takes some time off of work to
come let us back in our house. Now… to the grocery store.
section when Jack the Midwife calls Laura. He explains that there is now a time
schedule because her water is broken. As he explains the important times to
remember, Laura catches very little of the information or the reasons why. Only
two things stick out: 1) Be in labor before 3pm or go to the hospital and 2)
Jack has commitments and won’t be able to attend the delivery. For the first
time that day, Laura feels anxious: “What if my labor doesn’t get started? What
if I have to be in the hospital and don’t get to labor at home at all? Who is
going to deliver me? How do I feel about a person I don’t know attending my
In just that way she does, Alicia calmly talks Laura through her emotions and helps
her remember all the ways to get labor started. With a plan in place, Corey and
Laura head to checkout and head back home. Laura’s contractions have moved now
to approximately every 10 to 15 minutes.
along. Corey makes lunch – eggplant and deer meat stew. Hopefully the eggplant
will help to get things moving! He chopped two whole eggplants, planning to fry
them, but Laura’s contractions began to interrupt lunch. So instead he threw
one into the stew and the rest in the fridge. Later, Laura thinks, “Maybe I
should have had more eggplant?”
stimulation, things start to progress. She takes time to walk around the house
and talks with her mom, making plans.
show, The Voice – First Live Episode. Laura can tell that the eggplant, water,
and walking are making a difference. Now contractions move to 8 minutes apart.
Alicia says it’s up to Laura when it’s time for Alicia to come. Once the doula
arrives, labor can sometimes slow down. So Laura decides to have Alicia wait a
little longer.
Alicia, like usual, was anticipating that Laura’s next phone call would say
exactly that. She begins to pack up and head toward Gainesville. Unfortunately,
there’s a wreck on the way causing her to get stuck in traffic and it takes her
longer to arrive than expected. Laura finishes watching The Voice. During
contractions, she would lean over the couch and Corey would squeeze her hips to
help cope with pain. Contractions stay at 8 minutes apart.
for a while, anticipating what’s to come and telling stories. One could tell
this is still early labor as Laura is participating in the conversations. When
contractions would interrupt the conversation, Alicia would help Laura experiment
with pain coping techniques that would also help increase contractions. They
tried things such as leaning on the couch, leaning on a birth ball, and squatting.
Corey and Alicia would help through hip squeezes or rubbing Laura’s back.
apart, Alicia asks Laura if she would be up for a walk around the neighborhood.
Laura eagerly agrees, knowing this will help labor progress, but warns that
there’s a big hill in the neighborhood and requests that the walk not include
that hill. Corey, Laura, and Alicia set out on their journey. They walk one
direction down about five houses, and then turn around before heading downhill.
They walk the other direction, heading toward Rosedale circle. As they approach
the hill, Alicia suggests that if they tackle the hill, even slowly, it could
be just the thing. Taking a deep breath, Laura agrees and they head slowly down
the hill and begin the trek back up. Once they reach the top, Laura’s
contractions immediately move to 3-5 minutes apart. The team stops along the
street and takes a few moments to cope with pain as they head back to the
house. What a sight for passersby!!!
is no longer as interested in holding conversations. Instead she spends most of
her time leaning on the birth ball while Alicia or Corey do hip squeezes.
Corey’s arms become exhausted from hip squeezes, but he keeps it up anyway. Alicia
suggests that this would be a good time to eat something to help keep up energy
levels and Laura requests a smoothie. Alicia makes Laura a smoothie, while
Corey helps her cope with contractions. Laura labors a while longer with the
birth ball and then moves to squat at the bed to help keep contractions
progressing. Because Laura is experiencing a good amount of back labor, Alicia
has Laura move to the bed and lay on her side to help the baby turn into the
right position for birth.
the hospital and how to know when is the right time. Alicia reminds Laura that
it’s always her decision and explains that now is a reasonable time to make the
decision to go and still a reasonable time to stay. Laura decides she wants to
head to the hospital now while she still has time and capacity to get
comfortable at the hospital.
going to head toward the hospital. Jack will call the midwife-on-call to let
her know Laura’s birth plan and that the team is headed that way…little Ezekiel
is coming!

congratulations man. May our father continue blessing you.
Looking forward to part 2! Thanks for sharing part 1!!! Me like!
Love ya,
Mama Sue
Yay! I can’t wait for the rest of the story and to see Zeke’s picture! Congratulations!!!
Me either … awaiting part 2 🙂 🙂 🙂 Congrats!!
it begins…
we’re one day into the simple way and you’re pushing out babies, well baby…
good job all round.