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The Journey to Parenthood… Part 2
So here we are… God is in control of my body. God is in control of my future family. God is in control… but this is a whole new paradigm of living for me. This is scary. This means there are a whole lot of question marks…
Now that my future included a husband… and all that it includes… it was time to really begin facing these fears. Here we are with a promise of children, a deep desire to be mommy and daddy… and no clue what it would look like to get there. And… true to form… God showed up once again.
Three years ago we met a lady named Dr. Michelle LeRoy. She is a God-loving chiropractor who believes that God created our bodies to be healthy and that the earth is here to help in that process. We originally found her when doctors told us that Corey would just have stomach issues for 2 or 3 years with no help. Dr. Michelle taught us how to alter our eating habits and Corey got better. We call her the voodoo doctor because sometimes her “remedies” just seem plain WEIRD… but they always work. And then she’ll always explain that this is what God created us to do… LIVE.
So once Corey started getting better, we brought up my issues. I asked her what she thought of birth control pills and she looked at me and said, “Well, they aren’t my favorite but you are young and healthy enough that your body can overcome the negative side effects… … … Unless of course you have a family history of issues or breast cancer.” Yup, have both. “Hmmm… well, I still think you’ll be okay… … … unless of course you’ve been diagnosed with any issues.” Well… there is that PCOS thing. “Well… Maybe it’s a good idea that you’re coming to see me then!”
And over the past three years, all beginning with that conversation, God has been teaching me about health. You see the problem is, the doctors said something that was absolutely wrong. They said, this is your body and just how it is. That’s not true. What I’ve learned is that not only can God show up and miraculously heal people, we can also make healthier decisions that produce healthier bodies. So for three years I’ve walked with Dr. Michelle, my pastor’s wife Dana, and a number of other women who just believe that our bodies don’t HAVE TO be sick!
The hard part was that becoming healthy was hard… it was slow… and I didn’t see anything changing. I didn’t feel better. My cycle wasn’t changing. I felt as though I was killing myself to be healthy and it was pointless. And every time I got to that point, God would show up again. Someone would come to me during training camp and pray over me again. And always… ALWAYS… Corey would show up and remind me…
“No honey, God said. No, we don’t need to look into another option, cause God said.”
Every time I would show up with a new alternative that would let us become parents, Corey would grab me by the shoulders, look me in the eyes, and say one more time, “God said.”
It took me a while before I began to believe him…
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God is sooooooooooo faithful! So thankful for your openness and vulnerability in sharing, Laura….May God bless you and Corey and this little one! Love you all! Miss you much…..thank you, Father, for this daughter’s heart! And for putting her together with Corey! 😀 God, You amaze us!
Your story is so inspirational! Thank you for sharing. I am so thrilled for you in this new journey you are on. (=
Amen Corey…you tell that wifey of yours!!! I love it!
What an incredible story of faith and faithfulness! God bless you guys! 🙂
Oh Yes, GOD SAID!!!!!! XOXO