
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Our last blog covered 2009 and the top 3 highlights of this past year. In this blog we’ll look toward 2010 and what excitement we hope next year will bring…
A Look Toward 2010…
  Embracing Our Roles

The theme of 2009 may have been “Searching”. We searched for the city God wanted us to live in. We searched for the ministry God had for us. We searched for the community of people to live alongside. We searched for the right job fit for Corey. At times it felt like wandering in the desert.

The end of 2009 seems to be the end of our searching. We know we are called to continue working at AIM, Laura in the Admissions Department and Corey in the Short Term Department. We know we are called to live alongside this group of people… the people who have gone far beyond co-workers and become family. It seems like the question we kept asking has finally been answered.

Because of this, the most exciting thing about heading in to 2010 is embracing the roles we have found. It’s exciting to know that we are where we are supposed to be. It’s exciting to see all the ways we will need to grow to fill these roles.

The challenging part of 2010 will be to not become complacent in this season. As long as we were searching for what God had for us, we were open to whatever He wanted to do. Now that we are settled in to our roles we covet your prayers to continue diligently seeking what God has for each day. Please pray that we would seek God’s voice and obey, no matter what He calls us to do with our lives.

The Ever-Expanding Group

We have been incredibly blessed with an amazing community of people around us. In fact, it’s such a huge blessing we have found others longing for what we have.

We also have discovered that THE thing that we love the most is pouring into others. We get to do this often in the teams we lead, but we’ve discovered that there’s more to our calling than that. We want to bring people into community with God and each other in every place we are… including Gainesville.

We spent a lot of 2009 praying about what this looks like. One Sunday in the summer, Andy Scott, our pastor of small groups at church, approached us and asked us to begin a new small group for young married families.

At first we made many excuses about our schedule and protecting our time, but eventually we realized this was the answer to our prayers. So this winter we began meeting with two young couples. Both couples are looking to really grow deeper into what God has. In 2010 we are looking forward to pouring in to these lives right next door and seeing how God moves in all of us!

Planning for Future Jacobs

We are hoping that part of 2010 will include us becoming parents! But no, we are not yet pregnant.

Laura has struggled with hormone imbalances most of her life. For the past year we have been seeing a homeopathic doctor who specializes in infertility. We are now on a great track and Laura’s health is improving regularly!

We count our blessings that God has given us time to prepare to become parents. We are working to plan emotionally, spiritually, and financially for all that parenting will include and glean the wisdom from those around us.

Would you pray with us for the little boy or girl God has in our future? We believe God will help us conceive in His perfect timing, but often we struggle with wanting our own timing. We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom and patience and faith to endure the journey, however long or short it may be.
Coming up next… news more recent than the



  1. i like you guys. and i believe in you guys. it’s going to be a good 2010 with friends like you in our lives.

  2. I’ll surelly pray for you as ministers and as family.
    Me and Esdras are also trying to have a baby, and sometimes it’s difficult to understand that it’s God’s time, not ours. But I’m sure His plan is perfect, and it’ll be the best always!

    God bless you, and may He use you both more and more too bless people and to bring them to a true and close relationship with Jesus!

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