As we began to plug in here in Gainesville again, we hit some bumps in the road. The apartment ministry wasn’t everything we had dreamed of. While we were able to put together events for the apartment community, there was low interest and even fewer opportunities for ministry. So thankful for the financial provision of free rent for now, we agreed that this wasn’t a permanent solution and began searching for more permanent roles.
Laura’s role was fairly established. As the Admissions Director for the World Race, she found her fit, her calling, and her passion. It’s a role that is ever increasing and a regular challenge she loves to embrace. Corey has been a part of nearly every department in AIM at some point and the question was whether to settle down in one of those departments at AIM or to pursue a new opportunity outside AIM. For months we prayed and struggled and tried new roles. Then, in October, everything seemed to fall in to place. What God was saying and circumstances came together and a door opened in the Short Term Missions Department at AIM. Corey volunteered with them for a while and eventually found his niche in training and staff development with STM. He also assists with setting up trips and leading projects for 3 days to 2 weeks.
This opportunity fit perfectly with God’s call, Corey’s personality, and our passion for ministry. However, because this is a support-based ministry, it did not change our financial needs. We knew that committing to this opportunity meant we would need to continue working at the apartments or raise more support. For the short term we planned to stay at the apartments, thanking God for the time and space to raise more support.
Unfortunately, that changed this last week. Just last week we sent out a newsletter talking about raising about $500 more in support simply to plan for our future. Just after printing that newsletter, the apartments informed us they no longer desire to have our ministry at their complex and we would be let go just after the first of the year. They also informed us that we would need to sign a lease or decide to move out immediately. While leaving the apartment ministry is part of our plan, the timing was very unexpected.
The amazing thing is that even in the midst of the loss of our apartment job, we have absolute peace. We knew long ago that God’s plan was to leave apartment ministry. We have seen God provide for us to move back to Gainesville, provide exactly what we need to live on in the midst of a trying economy, and we know that He will continue to provide for our new need. This is where God has called us to be and we do believe that we are where He wants us.
As we head into this new season, you – the people who have walked alongside all that God is doing through us – are vitally important to us.
First, your prayers are important. Would you take a moment, even now, to pray for our transition? Pray that we would remember all that God has called us to do here. Would you pray that we would recognize each way He provides for our needs – whether it’s monetary increase or any other means? Would you pray for the people God is calling to join our team? Would you pray about any way God is stirring you to be part of this new season?
Second, we need to increase our financial support. In our previous newsletter, we were praying for $500 more per month in order to invest and plan for our future. That has now changed. We need approximately $1000 per month to cover rent and utilities. Would you pray about being a part of God’s provision in our life?
The easiest way to support us is by clicking the link to the left where it says “Support Us.” This will allow you to make a secure, tax deductible donation toward our ministry. You can also mail a check with our name on the memo line to
Adventures In Missions
P.O. Box 534470
Atlanta, GA 30353-4470
In a world where nothing is certain… no job is forever and no income is guaranteed… we are so thankful for a God who never changes. We praise Him for how He has provided for us in our past and how He will provide for us in the future. And just like Paul “gave thanks without ceasing” for those who supported him, we are always grateful and even encouraged by the men and women who surround us with their encouragement, prayers, and support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Wow – praying for you guys in the midst of change! Sorry to hear about the unexpected ending of the apartment ministry (Jeff & I too depend on our free apartment – yikes!), but we both know that God will provide.
We love you and believe in you! Saying a prayer right now!!!
We love you and believe in you! Saying a prayer right now!!!
Wow! talk about crazy timing… praying that awesome and amazing things come of this; will pray in earnest for your support…you guys are great, I am so proud of all you’ve done.