A Great Reminder
This could be the most difficulty I’ve ever had starting a newsletter. When I look back over the past month and all that God has done, how could I ever summarize everything? Instead of trying to put together a compact version of all that God has done, I’ve been updating our blog regularly… telling one story at a time. To read all these stories just check out the lefthand side of this page… scroll down to Most Recent Posts and read all that has happened!
I think more than anything this summer God gave us a great reminder that we are on the right track. The stresses of support raising and moving can sometimes seem to overshadow the call of God on our lives. However, as we met our team and headed off to the land we love, we were once again reminded that Ireland is the home God has for us. We found that we both walked in the gifts and talents that God has given us. We both found purpose and passion in leading the team and ministering to the locals. We found good friends whom we will live and work with. We found the life God has planned for us in this next season.
While there we finalized the details for moving there. We worked with our partners at Operation Mobilization and decided we will be living at their base in one of the guest rooms until either we find an apartment or they finish building the apartments on site. We also learned that they plan to get a car donated for us to use! Praise God for all these provisions! Now all we’re waiting on is for our support raising to reach our target goal and then we will enter into the life in Ireland God has planned for us. Thank you for how you have partnered with us these past few months. Over the next months you can expect us to be in touch with you, discovering how God might have you partner with us as we go forward!
So What’s Next?
Here we are in August. It seemed like this month was so far away, and yet here we are anyway. This month we are closing up our home in Gainesville, saying goodbye to the friends whom we love ever so much. It’s amazing how close you can get in just one year when you choose to live life on purpose with people. We will miss this place.
And next? We hit the road. We plan to head up north and see as many Northern friends and family as possible. Then we head to Texas to see everyone in the South. Our goal is to give you a hug and say thank you for how you’ve loved and supported us while we waited for God’s direction. Now we want to talk to you about how that love and support may look going forward.
Before we can move to Ireland we need to have $4000/mo in committed support. That may seem impossible! And yet we know that God will provide for what He’s called us to. YOU have the opportunity to be the way God provides! Currently we are looking for commitments of $100/mo. Would you prayerfully consider providing for the Irish to hear God’s good news through monthly support?
If you could commit to support us through your love, prayers, and finances, please return the enclosed yellow card inside the return envelope. We also have online donations and auto-withdrawal if you would like. Just send in the attached card or email me and our accounting department will take care of the rest!
We can’t begin to express how incredibly thankful we are for all of you who surround us every month. Every donation in our account reminds us that we are never alone… YOU are a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us as we reach out to the Irish people with God’s love.
Ahhh….friends. We will miss seeing you guys daily! We love you…and will continue to pray for you and this new, sweet season of life. Your gifts and talents…are a perfect fit for what’s in store. Thanks for keeping us posted.