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Being Crushed by “The Rock”


I was recently in the Dominican Republic again, this time leading a 10 day trip from July 25 till Aug 4. The youth group of 13, plus 3 adult leaders was from Long Island, New York. They were a blast to be with and responded very well to all the challenges that we had. I got to see a lot of my old friends from the DR (except my good friends the Shauls who were actually in Georgia the day I flew out). It was good to be back there and see the Lord’s hand moving on the people that I had a short time to be with two years ago.  

The longer story.— Being crushed by “the rock”

Going back to the Dominican Republic took more trust than I first assumed. When I was there back in September 2006 through May 2007, I lived some of the most challenging months of my life.

 The culture was hard to adjust to, the comforts of lights and water that I had – even in Mexico! – were, for the most part, taken away. I had to adjust to a new group and a new style of leadership.  But most importantly I lost my health and became angry with God.  These were the difficult things about my earlier time in the DR. Of course there were some good things mixed in with the challenges and other great things will live longer in me: like memories of being with the people and our Americano community. The best part of any place is the people who make it great. To those of you who added to my life there in San Juan – you know who you are, thank you!

Since being back in the States I have found the redemption and peace of much that was difficult for me back then. But the one thing that I was still nervous about as I went in late July was my health.

I remember hearing Andrew Shearman for the first time in Mexico. He was telling the crowd how the Lord crushed him. It was a an act of having his heart broken to the point of
basically lying on the floor at the foot of the cross for something like
6 months as he fell on the Rock, which is Christ, and having his ego taken to
the foot of the cross.  I remember him saying “I have never been the same”, I wanted to be changed in my heart like that. He told his story with a scripture, “Fall on the rock or the rock will crush you” (Matt 21:44, paraphrased). After he was done I prayed “Lord! I want to be crushed so that you will be made bigger in me!” Little did I realize He would take me at my word.


It’s amazing how much of me was wrapped up in what I could do physically during those 9 months in the DR. My identity and satisfaction was with who I was as a person, a dangerous thing.  But when I got sick in the DR it was the end of who I was. I struggled for weeks trying to press on and minister to the locals because that’s what I was there for.  But as I got sicker I was forced to stay in bed most days and do nothing until I saved up enough energy to go out for one day. I felt like I left the DR completely crushed. I didn’t do what I set out to do and was frustrated with God for not letting me do it.

Now that most of my health has come back I was nervous that I would get sick again. Well I didn’t! Even more than not getting sick, I got to see the fruit of our labors. I saw a man of God being raised up and going into missions. I saw a little boy, Alexander, healed of glaucoma and his eyesight is improving every day. I saw the house church in Guachupita grow from 4 members to about 18! To see the fruit that has come out of the work that I had a small part in was God showing me again that I don’t have to carry the weight of anything more than listening to and obeying HIM!