Hey all
We made it back to Gainesville Sunday evening. Laura started feeling sick in the car Saturday but really felt bad Saturday night after dinner and worsened the next morning. I drove the 9 hours from Jackson, MS, to Gainesville as she sat with a nauseating headache which turns out to be a sinus infection.
Laura is doing much better but we’d appreciate prayers for complete healing of it. We also came back staring down a ton of work. With separate training camps coming up for both Laura and I at the end of the month, a World Race group and a group of leaders for our summer trips, we are plowing through to get ready for them and the summer.

So please pray that God would have His way during the training camps (more to come about it) and that we would remember to take time and be sensitive to His leading because “unless the Lord builds the house, the workers labour in vain” (psalms 127:1).
We love what we do and who we work with, but it is a lot of work sometimes. I know some of you can relate.
wow… Laura, really hope the sinuses get back to normal, such a bummer especially when you’re traveling.
Lord, I pray that your hand would be upon the Jacobs’ lives, especially in the upcoming weeks…will you bless them as they seek to pour out into the willing laborers who are coming to work the fields. Give them a double portion; let your spirit infuse them; bless them with insight and wisdom as they seek to train and equip and prepare your people for service.
good luck guys!
Thanks Amanda!
Corey and Laura
Glad you are back home – will pray for Laura’s infection to clear up.Would you guys please pray for me? Tomorrow Im having part of my colon removed. It’s prep day today, like for a colonoscopy
Joe and I will be praying for healing, strength, and wisdom as you plan for the camps. May the Spirit lead your every step! Much love
Glad you are home and PRAYING!!!!!!
Love you two, can’t wait to see you next week!