Friday afternoon we went for THE ultrasound. And true to God’s promises, we’re having a BOY!!! Let me take this opportunity to introduce you to Ezekiel Richard Jacobs. Unfortunately, I don’t have any new pictures to post because Ezekiel was kicking, flipping, and turning so much that the ultrasound tech couldn’t get a still shot. However… I do have a picture of the office decorations my co-workers brought in today ๐

First, there’s the basics. Ezekiel means God Will Strengthen. When you combine this with the story of Ezekiel the prophet, you understand why God needed to strengthen. Ezekiel had a crazy big ministry for his life. But with that, he had a hard road… a hard message… a hard call on his life. But God regularly gave him the strength to walk out all that he was called to do.
Next, there’s Richard. Richard means Nobility. In Ezekiel 2:1, just after God showed up in front of Ezekiel and he falls on his face, God tells him to stand on his feet. A man of honor, a man of nobility, that’s a man who is called to stand in the presence of the King of Kings.
And then, there’s the story of Ezekiel. Ezekiel was a wild man. He didn’t fit the societal norms of his day. God called him to do and be someone who was obviously set apart. That’s our son. We will not raise our son to calmly fit into society. We are joining God’s plan for this man to become a fire-breathing, kingdom-bringing, world changer. His ultrasounds show he is made for this… moving, kicking, turning, always on the go. He might be loud in church. He might dance and shout in restaurants. He might sing to his Heavenly Daddy when the rest of the world is quiet. And most of all he just might make waves that make you uncomfortable. Because he is destined to be God’s wild man…. God’s prophet… God’s chosen vessel to make earth a little more like heaven. THIS is our Ezekiel.
And by God’s grace, we get to be a part of that amazing process from birth through as long as God allows us to watch. SUCH a privilege…
ooooh … i just got chills.
love this Laura. I could NOT be more happy for you and Corey. He is FAITHFUL! hearts and kisses!
Corey & Laura let me be the first to congratulate you on your baby boy,I”am so excited for all 3 of you.I hope every thing goes good for you.
All my love to you all.
Grandma FIFI
Congrats!!!! I looove it! Boys are great and tons of fun!!
Congratulations!! I can’t wait to know this little man of God when he arrives. His name carries much meaning — never be surprised at what God’s plan is for him…..and you. We are happy for you and excited to watch the plan keep unfolding!! Thanks for letting us be a part of it.
Bill and Kris
Love this! So happy for you and Corey!
I can’t wait to meet Ezekiel Richard Jacobs!
Much love to you three!
Thank you for sharing this. God’s blessing are so amazing and I am so excited for this little Ezekiel blessing to be brought into the world!
Wow, what a vision God’s given you for your little boy before he’s even born! We need more of His wild men.
Woohoo! So excited for you guys and praying for God’s continued blessing on your lives.
so amped for you guys
been reading thru ezekiel myself
some hardcore stuff there
and some super encouraging stuff
all strength to you
cheering from the sidelines of africa
love b fish
Corey & Laura –
Congrats and how exciting that God has revealed your son’s name to you and is growing such a healthy, Spirit-filled boy already! I pray the remainder of your pregnancy is just filled with blessings! Mine has continued amazingly blessed! We check in with the dr. today, at 36 weeks, and every week hereafter until Elijah Jordan Dickson decides to arrive! Elijah means called/anointed by God and Jordan means overflowing (like the river!). Our prayer is that Elijah will overflow with God’s anointing on his life, so that others will know they, too, can walk in freedom from the worlds ways and be different and set apart, and be BLESSED!
Love and miss you Laura! Glad to read your wonderful updates! ๐
~Lindy, Gavin, and Elijah Dickson ๐