of Ezekiel… Corey, Laura and Alicia were just packing to head toward the
hospital. Let’s rejoin the story as their journey continues…
the birth ball on the carseat base. Laura kneels in the backseat and leans
forward onto the birth ball to cope with contractions. Corey drives very
carefully, staying quiet and calm outside, but inside screaming at the other cars “MOVE OUT ‘DA
WAY!!!” Laura occasionally thinks of how funny she must look to those they are
driving by… but ultimately couldn’t care less.
is a black phone to pick up that connects the person in the waiting room to the
triage nurse. Good thing Corey and Laura took a hospital tour or they never
would have guessed that’s how to get in! In true hospital fashion, the nurse on
the other end says “How can I help you?” After considering ordering a burger
and shake or asking for a mani/pedi, Laura says “Ummm… I’m in labor?” The nurse
says to wait there and someone will come get them soon. Of course, this takes forever. Granted,
forever at this point is really only 8-10 minutes, but that is 3 contractions! Finally
a nurse comes out and brings us to get checked in.
labor” room. This is a small room and only Corey was allowed to come with me.
It’s not such a nice first impression to send away someone’s labor support! In
this room, Laura is hooked up to the monitor to see the baby’s heartbeat and
the contraction times. While the monitor is running, a nurse asks 50 ba-gillion
questions, most of which seem to be out of left field and highly irrelevant to
whether a baby is coming now or not… but such is life. Laura has her first exam
– 4cm, 3-5 minutes apart… Ezekiel has passed his first test!!
on, everything runs together. Time is just a clock on the wall and light coming
in the window, so the actual times now are relative. All focus was on mom and
to get comfortable while Corey goes to get Alicia and then set up shop for
labor. In Laura’s labor bag are an outfit, inspirational posters, and all the
tools they had gathered through How to Have a Baby class. Funny enough, at this
point Laura couldn’t care less about any of those items! Other than the birth
ball, Laura’s bag stayed pretty much packed.
warm fuzzy robe wouldn’t be necessary for having a summer baby. But for some
reason, Laura decided to pack her robe anyway. Corey was very thankful for this
robe as he wore it most of the time to keep from freezing in the labor room!!!

Contractions remained 3-5 minutes apart, but during this entire time, Laura
only moved from 4cm to 6cm. Alicia worked with Laura to not simply cope with
the pain but to help labor progress. Together they would stand and do leg
raises and squats. Each time Laura would take a deep breath and choose not to
talk about how painful that made contractions, but instead to talk about how
effective that was! Amazing how that one little word can change an attitude!
Laura spent time on the birth ball, leaning over the bed, and other various
positions to cope while progressing. Eventually, Laura moved to the shower for
some relaxation.
bathtub (despite the fact that it wouldn’t stay filled) Laura was nicely
relaxed while still having contractions. The nurse offered to check her in the
bathtub, and announced Laura was only at a 6. This was probably the most
discouraging moment for Laura. She began to gently cry and say “I don’t want to
be a 6!”
continuing to tick down on how long she would be allowed to labor. This meant
that it was time for the dreaded P word… Pitocin. Pitocin is a replacement for
the labor hormone commonly given to begin labor or to help labor progress. Many
women describe labor pains on Pitocin as much more intense pain than natural
labor. Laura began to battle her thoughts now. On the one side, Laura knew that
her biggest doubt about being able to labor naturally came with whether she
could cope with labor while on Pitocin. And yet even that morning, a good
friend had talked about having no pain medication and a great delivery despite
being induced. Could Laura really handle this new point in labor?
into Transition – the point of labor between 6 and 9 cm that is often described
as the most intense. In fact, in training future World Racers, Laura had heard
many talks about surviving transition periods and even heard labor as the main
analogy! Laura mentally retreated to an inner, focused placed. Through a lot of
touch and very little talking, Alicia and Corey supported Laura as she focused
on each contraction. While Alicia continued to help with positions on the birth
ball, standing, stomping, and walking, Laura mostly focused on her thoughts,
using hypnobirthing and guided imagery techniques almost unconsciously.
needed the dreaded pink tubs… The Vomit Bucket. For those of you who have ever
walked through life closely with Laura, you will know one thing – She’s a
puker. Corey actually was surprised that it took this long before Laura began
puking! The first time, Corey grabbed the bucket and held it for Laura, but
Alicia immediately noticed he was more green than the vomit and quickly
relieved him of that duty.
present and supportive, he would confess that the hardest point was after Laura
would puke and then want him face to face to help her breathe!! Sorry about the breath honey!!!!
“mantra”, a sound to make to focus during the contractions. Funny enough, this
sound was “shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Alicia
shared with Laura after labor that they would all be together quietly focusing
on a contraction, breathing and “shhhh”-ing when a nurse would walk in and
start talking. Laura would immediately turn to the nurse and start loudly
“shhhh”-ing at her! Apparently, no one was allowed to talk until the
contraction was over!
began to feel the need to push during each contraction. While this was much
more intense, it was also very exciting as this could mean Laura was reaching
fully dilated! Alicia cautioned Laura to wait just a little more before
continuing to push. A nurse should come check her because if Laura was pushing
too early, it would actually cause more harm than good. The nurse came, and
unfortunately Laura was still only 7cm… the pushing was causing swelling
instead of helping to dilate.

needing to speed things up as the clock was becoming our enemy. The midwife
insisted on increasing Pitocin as soon there would be consequences of not being
fully dilated by 24hrs of active labor. She said Laura would have an increased
level of Pitocin and then at 2:00pm she would be checked. If at 2:00pm, Laura
wasn’t fully dilated and ready to push the baby out, it would be time for a
was able to recall the things she learned in Baby class, knowing that
phrases like “we will have to” or “I insist on”, she always had choices.
However, Laura was also able to realize that she was reaching a point of truly
needing help. In Baby class, the instructor talked to the fathers about how
their wife doesn’t need to be rescued during labor. The instructor gave each
mother a key and said “If there is a point that you need rescued, you can give
this key to your spouse to show that you really need help.” This was that point
for Laura. Between contractions Laura is able to calmly and rationally talk
about adding Pitocin and she decides to choose a pain medication. With no
regret or disappointment, Laura asks for an epidural in order to get some sleep
and have strength for a vaginal delivery. Alicia and Corey fully support her. In
fact, Alicia later told Laura that she discussed this with Corey THREE HOURS
earlier and was so amazed at Laura’s ability to continue on without help.
Laura thinks it’s absolutely ridiculous to have to stay still and have a needle
put in her back while having contractions at the same time… but she obliges.
The doctor tells her to let him know if anything hurts as he’s inserting the
epidural. However, each time Laura would say “Ouch!” he’d simply go “Okay.” Annoyed,
Laura thinks “So doc… if you were going to ignore what I’m saying why did you
ask me to tell you?!?!”
exhausted from all the work. While sleeping she begins to feel contractions
despite the epidural, but also doesn’t really wake up for those contractions.
Alicia, ever attentive, notices the breathing changes and little sounds and
calls the nurse so we can push the “happy button.” Apparently Laura had a
hotspot and needed to pump additional medication to truly be pain free.
right side. She begins to feel more intense pressure with the contractions, but
chooses to not push the happy button anymore so that the feeling can help her
deliver once the midwife comes back. Corey, Laura, and Alicia are all thankful
for the high number of births happening right then as the midwife was delayed
an extra hour from the original deadline for checking Laura. This means an
extra hour to get to fully dilated. Alicia, Laura, and Corey begin to discuss
the options that could happen when the midwife returns. Alicia reminds them of
the options that always exist and helps Laura phrase questions and suggestions
in order to make informed decisions no matter what the midwife says.
shouts “HALLELUJAH! We’re at 10cm and +1. Let’s have a baby!” Alicia, Laura,
and Corey all celebrate. There may have even been tears shed. Now there’s no
need for questions and suggestions, Laura can simply bring Ezekiel into the
world now!

nurse and Alicia explain how to position your body and bear down for the most
effective push and let Laura know that it’s ok to have to take a few
contractions to figure it out. Corey holds the left leg and Alicia holds the
right leg while the nurse watches the business end of this ordeal. It does take
a few contractions and a few adjustments but eventually Laura is pushing really
forward, two steps back… three steps forward, two steps back. This process
continues for approximately an hour and with each push Ezekiel comes that much
quite ready to have the baby just yet, but go ahead and come toward the room as
it will be soon.” Laura pushes maybe two more and then all of a sudden says
“bucket!” Knowing this routine, Alicia turns to grab the puke bucket as Laura
turns her head and begins to vomit again. The nurse, Alicia, and Corey are all
trying to get Laura what she needs to help calm the vomiting when all of a sudden
the nurse exclaims “OH MY!!! Okay…. Ummm… try not to vomit!”
pushes! While everyone was paying attention to the vomit, Ezekiel’s head was
almost completely out! The nurse reaches down to hold his head from coming any
more, the midwife (who entered right as the nurse exclaimed Oh my!) rushes to
throw on her gloves, and with one more littlest of pushes at 5:40pm on
Thursday, June 9, Ezekiel Richard Jacobs entered the world.

as if after such a dramatic entrance he was saying, “What? It’s just me.” The
midwife holds him momentarily to help him begin to cry and then places him on
Laura’s chest. The nurses continue to help him cry to pink up and get rid of
the mucus from his nose, mouth, and lungs. Everyone immediately starts to
discuss how beautiful and perfect he is… and not just in that “We have to say
this” sort of way… but in truth being surprised at how beautiful he was from
the very beginning.
and leaves for home and a MUCH EARNED rest. Laura’s mom comes into the room,
glad to finally see her baby girl happy and healthy and holding her own baby.
After nursing and bonding, the nursery nurses come to weigh and measure.
Ezekiel was 7lbs 14oz and 20in long. His head was 14.5cm (average is 13cm!).
And most importantly, he is perfect in every way.