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Thoughts & Inspiration

  Welcome to our new monthly partners!

Monthly Partners: $1583/mo
Goal: $4000/mo
To become a financial partner with our ministry, simply click “Support the Jacobs” on the leftside of this screen.

Prayer Requests:

         ·         For God to lead and guide our support raising time in Texas
·         For sweet fellowship with our friends and family while we are here.
·         For us to be a part of building God’s kingdom wherever we are at
·         For contentment in God’s timing concerning our support and departure to Ireland.


Where Are We At?

I could answer this question in so many ways that I don’t know exactly where to start!

Physically, we are currently in Texas. We spent a month and a half in Wisconsin with Corey’s family, followed by a sweet rejuvenation time in the Bahamas, and a great road trip complete with pit stop reunions brought us now to Abilene, TX.

Financially, we are encouraged. We know God is going to provide for all our needs to fulfill His calling for us in Ireland. But when you actually receive the provision, it’s still amazing! God has and is raising up the Body of Christ from many different States, showing us that no matter what the earthly economy is doing, He is still in control. Thank you to all of you whom God is using to provide for our needs!

Emotionally, we are fluctuating. Being in a season of transition – changing homes, changing jobs, changing routines, and not knowing when “stability” will come – comes with it’s share of difficulties. We’ve found that building a marriage foundation on good communication this past year has benefited us more than we can describe. We truly understand that home is where Corey and I are together, in the middle of God’s will. Because of that, the ultimate answer to the question “Where Are We At?” is “Home.”

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